Contact Information




United States

Personal Website

What You Do

What Do You Do For The World?

Since 2011, I have dedicated myself towards exploring the root of the many sustainability crises we face by creating content that explores “other ways of doing things.” Now, I have created Sustainable Human, a new kind of transparent, participatory organization that gives away everything it produces as a gift to humanity. Currently, I coordinate all ambassadors, facilitate all discussions, and continue to participate as a strategist and content curator.

Why Do You Do It?

The reason I want to be a part of the Sustainable Human community is that I genuinely believe that changing the story is the only realistic way to create a more beautiful world that our hearts know is possible – a world where everyone is encouraged to develop and give their gift, an abundant world where everyone has access to the material necessities of life, and a compassionate and empathetic world that listens and cares about us – and I know that changing the story of humanity will require the concerted effort of many people each giving their unique gifts freely to all.

Council Member? yes
Engaged Projects

Video Remix Project, Content Curation Project, Sustainable Human Project

Ambassador Roles

Content Curator, Strategist, Video Remix Producer, Video Remix Promoter