Viewing member 1 to 20 (of 64 active members)
Ross Reinhardt - "Trying out the new social features. This is going to be cool! "View
staceymoye - "So excited for the new site launch! I feel like we’re at the spark point of a wildfire that’s about to spread. Not this particular organization, but a re-envisioning of humanity and culture in general "View
Dori Drachman
Barbara Tholin
Jose Nyagah - "Where I believe we are headed "View
Robert Hutchinson
Jenise Fryatt - "Wow. Can’t believe this group actually exists and that I actually stumbled on it. I’m very happy to be part of it. "View
Erik L - "Leo, killin’ it. "View
Brian Pierce - "Hey everyone! Looking forward to connecting with all of you! If I can be of assistance to you in any way, please don’t hesitate to contact me! "View
Lawrence Miglialo - "stoked about this new platform – #changemakin’4life "View
Viewing member 1 to 20 (of 64 active members)